The more I work on this project the more I realise that I am not a historian, just a lucky sod who's stumbled upon someone else's hard work. It's a fascinating story and my function (at the moment) is just to "tell it as it is". I don't have the wherewithall to improve upon the product from a historical point of view. That said, it doesn't need a lot of improving upon!
Approximately 120,000 words taken from paper-based typing into electronic format so far, lots of formatting and checking of that remains to be done however. That covers just over one of the thirty-one volumes of research.
Files and graphics have been put together ready for the main website and approaches have been made regarding re-printing and re-publishing Harry's other books, including Sparks Around the Bridge, Grimsby's Fighting Fleet and Arctic Interlude: Independent to Russia.
The main website will house, among lots of other things, the index to the work while the research itself will be available in two formats: smaller volumes relating to groups of U-Boats and - eventually - a master-set of reference volumes.
Any and all contact, updates and suggestions are welcome en-route, from those who knew Harry or from those just interested in the research - just click on the link to the right!
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