Sunday, 28 October 2007


I have just spent between July and October trying to get a local Norfolk website design "firm" (I hesitate to use the word since it makes them sound almost professional) to make good on their promises to produce a website for the Harry Hutson Collection. A week into october they email me to ask me to re-send about a dozen of the files. This is the fourth request they've made for duplicates and, presumably, the fourth time they've either not checked on receipt or lost the things. Since it obviously doesn't bode well for future levels of service we say "Goodbye".

As a stopgap I buy a package from and spend the best part of two days building a website myself. A week later I notice that they've billed me twice so I email support. Today I get an email back saying that "as requested they have cancelled the package". They've deleted the lot. Part of the package was backups - I had no way of doing a backup, they provided that service too. Backups disappear with deleted packages.

Unbelievable. No wonder we've lost every scrap of industry Britain ever had to foreign competition.

Sorry folks... back a.s.a.p. - are they deliberately competing with British Telecom for the worst service providers ever? It's hard to choose between the two.

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