Thursday, 26 July 2007

Sparks Around the Bridge

Sparks around the bridge by Harry C. Hutson.

Arctic fishing as it really was!

A truly fascinating account of
the life in, around and on Grimsby distant water deep-sea trawlers - in the days when Grimsby still had a fishing industry.

Technical details, domestic details and a very personal account including third-party anecdotes, all as told by Harry Hutson - radio operator on many of these trawlers.

The very nice legal people at N.E. Lincolnshire council are considering their position before this is re-printed and made available a.s.a.p. - check back for the "when" (rather than the "if").

Compare your own place of work to Harry's as seen in the fantastic photographs in the book - it made me realise that I have never really worked in my life to date, not in the old-fashioned "real" sense of that word!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Do you know if this book will ever go back into publication ? I'm a x GY fisherman so I would be very interested , been after this for a long time
thank you in advance best regards